
My goal was to create simple yet quite powerfull web app with some ERP capabilities, mostly to develop myself in ASP.NET MVC programming. However, what I eneded up with (so far) is partially developed administration, logistics, HR and CRM panels - functionalities requested by friended transport company who's using the app. I'd love to give it more time to develop other panels and features, but can't find the time for the moment.


Back-end is written in C# in ASP.NET MVC framework. Data is kept in SQL Server and it's accessible through Entity Framework (code first) ORM. Front-end is typical mix of HTML, CSS and java script, supported by jQuery and Bootstrap libraries.

Source code

You can try the app here, either by creating an account for yourself or by loging with demo account credentials:
login: demo
password: demo

QR Scanner

The app was created to help production company's employees keeping track of machines' breakdowns. System consists of desktop app, used to create master data (e.g. list of machines or employees) and generate reports, and mobile app that allows you to register breakdown by scanning machine's QR code.


Tech stack

The desktop app was created in C# and Windows Forms, data access through HTTP client, deployment and updates using Squirrel

Source code

Web Api

Tech stack

Appi in ASP.NET Web Api 2, data kept in SQL Server database and accessed through Entity Framework

Source code


Tech stack

App written in C#, UI in Xamarin Forms, exception handling with use of NLOG and MS App Center

Source code