This is my place on the web. What's the purpose of it? Well, it's going be mostly porftolio site where I'll be showing projects I've done or I'm working on at the moment. Have a look around here, check my blog or get in touch with me - I'm eager to hear from you!

Experienced .NET developer and avid coffee drinker. In my everyday life I try to combine my passion for programming with work in international logistics. I try to keep up with the constantly growing IT industry and try the latest technologies. I code for PC (mostly WinForms), mobiles (Xamarin forms) and the web (ASP.NET MVC/Razor Pages). Outside .NET, I use Angular and try to support my legacy VBA/SQL projects. I'm big fan of widely understood technology - from consumer electronics through AI to space exploration! 2020 locked us all in our homes, which in my case drew my interest to smart home subject. If I manage to find some spare time, I devote it to improving my current set-up, whether by integrating an additional sensor or creating new automations in Home Assistant :)